
A better world is possible if we stand together and fight for it.

Working families deserve a leader who will fight and deliver for good jobs, reproductive rights, Medicare for All, a functional electric grid, and a better Texas.

  • Aim for balanced budgets through spending cuts and efficient allocation of resources.
  • Implement stringent budget controls and promote transparency to prevent wasteful spending.

  • Support simplifying the tax code to reduce compliance costs and make it easier for individuals and businesses to understand and comply with tax laws.
  • Maintain a competitive tax environment to encourage business investment and economic growth.

  • Ensure government programs are funded efficiently, with regular audits to prevent misuse of funds.
  • Prioritize spending on essential services, ensuring taxpayer money is used effectively.

  • Support policies to provide affordable healthcare coverage while promoting competition and cost controls in the healthcare market.
  • Encourage private sector solutions and innovation to improve healthcare access and research ways to implement a single payer system that is cost effective and efficient for citizens whom want it.

  • Advocate for efficient use of funds in public education, focusing on outcomes and accountability.
  • Create the Federal Rural Economic Education ACT (FREE ACT) that promotes 5 years of service for any essential job that the federal government would pay for after your service.

  • Invest in clean energy technologies and infrastructure to combat climate change and create green jobs.
  • Support market-based solutions like carbon credits and incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices.

  • Support initiatives to increase the availability of affordable housing, including incentives for developers and funding for public housing projects.
  • Implement policies to prevent homelessness and provide support for low-income families

  • Advocate for reforms that address systemic inequalities in the justice system, such as ending mandatory minimum sentences and promoting rehabilitation over incarceration.
  • Support reentry programs to help former inmates reintegrate into society and reduce recidivism.

  • Champion equal rights and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including anti-discrimination laws and marriage equality.
  • Support healthcare and social services that address the specific needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Advocate for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and protects the rights of asylum seekers.
  • Implement policies that balance border security with humane treatment of immigrants.

  • Support policies that promote gender equality, including equal pay, reproductive rights, and protection against gender-based violence.
  • Ensure access to affordable childcare and family leave policies to support working families.

  • Promote policies that stimulate economic growth, such as reducing unnecessary regulations and supporting small businesses.
  • Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation through tax incentives and reduced bureaucratic red tape.

  • Advocate for fiscally responsible public safety measures that reduce crime and ensure community safety.
  • Support community policing and crime prevention programs to build trust and improve public safety outcomes.